Wednesday, January 19, 2011

“The Skull and the Arrow” In the Cave

If I were beaten badly with a gash on my head, left for dead and had to find my way to shelter in the rain like the man in Louis L’Amour’s story, “The Skull and the Arrow,” I would just lay there and die. I would not try to do anything because I already have a cut that’s bleeding on my head, it’s raining and I could get sick, there’s no food for me to eat, I don’t really know where I am, there’s wild animals roaming around every. I would just lay there and starve, bleed and freeze to death. There would be no point in trying.


  1. You barely made it over a hundred good job! The picture doesn't even look like a cave it looks like a spa.

  2. Nice blog post Gennona. Thats a cool picture.

  3. Good JOB keep up the good work!
