Friday, December 17, 2010

Irony and Ambiguity notes

Irony And ambiguity Notes

The difference between what the readers expect or what seems suitable and the reality of what happens in reality.

Tips:Often comic
readers appreciate it, Because it is true.

Three main types: Verbal, situational, and dramatic.

Visual Clues: Draw something to help you remember the definition.

Types Of Irony
Verbal: Someone says one thing but means the opposite.
examples: “Nice day for a picnic!” when it’s raining
“You Sure can pick them” To his friend who finished last.

Types of irony: situational
what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected or appropriate.

plays with people’s expectations
cuts deeply into the readers feelings
commonly used in literature

A woman doesn’t wan to go to a party but ends up meeting her husband there
A cop gets a ticket, hes a enforcement officer.

Type of Irony; Dramatic
Def. Audience know whats in store for the character but eh character does not know.
Tips: often occur in movie and plays mimics life because its unpredictable.

dramatic Irony examples:
crooks enter a house that the audience knows its a booby trap.
Audience know that the wolf has taken the place of little red grandma

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