Friday, September 24, 2010

Reaching Adult Hood

When kids grow up they face many diffrent challenges. They face puberty,drugs,alchol,ect. Their parents pressure them about hygien. For exsample. My cousin has hair under his arm and my aunt tells him bto shave it off. Parents complain to you about bills and how expensive kids are and how your gona have to pay a morgage and medical bills. Or if you get an apartment you'll have to pay rent every mounth, and pay for food and water,and electricity ohh and dont forget about your car note. Ahhh. they will drive you crazy. Sometimes I wish I could stay young forever so I wouldn't have do all that.

1 comment:

  1. Genonna, please proofread and edit your work before posting it. There are several sentences that need to be fixed. Have an adult, peer or upperclassman look over your work to help with editing.
